Node & MYSQL project to show how node can join mysql with responses
run the following in the terminal node bamazonCustomer.js
We use the plugin inquirer to take the user input and return a result based on what they user is inputting
After our program is executed we give the user a list of items available for purchase the price, department,etc.
On the initial load we prompt the user to purchase an item based on the ID of the item in the table. If the user selects an item by ID and specify the quantity it will purchase that item and show the user the total for the purchase.
If the user specifies they want to purchase more of an item than that is contained in the database it will not allow you to execute that function
After the initial purchase has been made we prompt the users to see if they want to either be finished or go into the manager menu. The manager menu does require a password to be in the manager :1234. If the user does not input the correct passwor they will not be able to go into the manager menu.
After that function it will inquire the following menu for the manager menu:
We update our table with all the information from the previous requests and functions and we display it for the user. Picture referenced in previous example.
We tell the user to select an ID of an item that they want to add to the inventory. After that we give them a confirmation that there inventory has been added.
We use inquirer to ask questions to the user to essentially query the entire table to make a row and insert it directly into our mysql database. Then we tell the user if there request has been successful or not in adding the product they specified.
👤 :skull: Aaron Booth :skull:
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